When my time is not dedicated to other endeavors, I like to
quilt. What does this have to do with research on the Cariboo? Hang on for a
minute, I have to back up. A number of years ago, a good quilting friend,
presented our quilting guild with a lesson on how to choose colour, based on
the landscape. Late last month, when one of those other endeavors took hold,
photography, I grabbed my camera and wandered off early on a sunny Monday
morning to capture the colours of fall. The pictures sat in the camera for a
couple of weeks until my husband started to play with a few of the pictures of
the area around Green Lake just Northeast of 70 Mile house.
For the first time I saw how the oranges, browns and wheat
colours could be the bases of a quilt. A landscape, I feel so connected to
through my families' movements, spoke to me in a very different way. So the
search is on for those colours and finding a way to design a Cariboo Quilt. The
hunt for a piece of an old Hudson Bay Co. brigade trail is on. I want to combine
a piece of the trail with the colours from the fall.
What a wonderful way of following your research. I wonder what the HBC brigade trail will divuldge.